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Subject: Re: [boost] [endian] endian flip and endian domain
From: Adam Merz (adammerz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-06-09 17:29:20

Stewart, Robert <Robert.Stewart <at>> writes:
> "endian_swap" doesn't connote the copying overhead so I see that as suitable to
> the in-place operation, and "endian_cast" as more appropriate to convey the
> copying operations.

I've been more or less neutral throughout this discussion -- it seems a bit
bikeshedish in that as long as the semantics are correct, the naming doesn't
warrant so much discussion. However, this is the first naming proposal I've seen
suggested that I *really* like, so +1 from me on this.

FWIW, as far as the namespace is concerned, I think the entirety of the library
should reside in the boost::endian namespace, and these two function templates
should be brought into the boost namespace via using declarations.

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