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Subject: Re: [boost] [mini-review] Update of Boost.Assign (13th-19th of June)
From: John Bytheway (jbytheway+boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-06-16 03:55:18

On 16/06/10 02:08, er wrote:
> You are right that csv is a new interface and it seems logical that it
> should be available for passing arguments by value.
> I guess it wouldn't be an insurmountable task to overload csv() on the
> number of arguments, internally calling list_of(), and returning its
> results. That's approximately how ref_csv() and ref_list_of() relate to
> each other.

That sounds sensible. I think there should be such a function.

> What is complicating things, however, is that list_of() itself is
> overloaded on the number of arguments.
> list_of<T>(x,y)(z,w)
> creates an anonymous list of elements created like this : T(x,y) and
> T(z,w).
> If you want to achieve the same thing with cref_csv, you have to do:
> cref_csv(T(x,y),T(z,w))

I don't understand why that is a complication. In this case it would be
logical for the user to use list_of instead (at least from the
perspective of amount of typing).

On a related subject (and perhaps slightly beyond the scope of a
mini-review), have you considered a perfect forwarding version of any of
these functions? Or even move-enabling the by-value ones? You're
already justifying the _ref versions on grounds of speed; this would be
the logical next step in that direction. Personally I would be happy to
have such only in C++0x and not bother with move-emulation in C++03, but
then I don't program in C++03 any more if I can possibly help it :).

John Bytheway

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