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Subject: Re: [boost] [mini-review] Update of Boost.Assign (13th-19th of June)
From: er (erwann.rogard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-06-19 10:50:33

> template<typename... T> Implementation-defined ref_csv(T&&...)

On second thought, this does not obviate the need for cref_csv (emphasis
on prefix 'c'), to express intent to cast all arguments to const, would

> (there's some wobbles there about how to go from this list of
> potentially-different Ts to the one true T of the container, but they're
> not insurmountable)

Do you mean
     int a;
     long b;
as potentially a problem? So it would for ref_csv, which can be solved
like this:
Would not the same apply to ref_csv_0x?

I'm not much familiar with 0x but I'll probably toy with these ideas (I
have to emulate another OS which tells me that perhaps it's not yet
mainstream) and I'll update this thread if anything meaningful comes out
of it.

> John Bytheway
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