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Subject: Re: [boost] [boost[program options] locale support
From: Artyom (artyomtnk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-06-21 08:01:09

> Is it common to use different locales for different files?

It is very uncommon to use global locale as... about half of
programs will be broken as they not locale-aware.

(example boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(1024)=="1.024",
 many developers would not expect this)

On the other hand when locale is used it would be imbued by default
to the newly created io-stream.

Additional point is the fact that there are may be many C++ locale
instances unlike the case of C locales.

So the **right** thing to do:

1. Use iostream's locale if you use stream
2. Use your own locale and provide imbue()/getloc() option as
   io-stream does.



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