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Subject: Re: [boost] [xint] Sixth release, preliminary review again please
From: DE (satan66613_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-06-29 07:41:53

on 28.06.2010 at 20:08
 Chad Nelson wrote :
>> one more thing: i liked it better when arbitrary sized integer and
>> fixed integer were distinct classes

> What did you like about it, that the current design doesn't have? Maybe
> I can make the current one work that way too.

from a user point of view i find it more convenient when distinct
entities are responsible for distinct well defined tasks
in this case i don't like the all-in-one solution because fusion of
these distinct things involves mixing of completely unrelated details
e.g. lets say unbounded integer by definition has no signedness (it is
always signed) but on the other hand finite representation (like
binary 2's complement or other) has well defined concepts of
signed/unsigned integers

i like that error behavor is now a parameter of a template because in
fact it just controls such a small detail that we actually don't
expect to show itself at all

contrary, unbounded and bounded integers cover slightly different scopes

all this is just my personal complaint so don't take it too close

if you notice a grammar mistake or weird phrasing in my message
please point it out

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