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Subject: [boost] Patches for OpenVMS support for Boost (Asio mostly)
From: Artyom (artyomtnk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-07-27 04:13:16


I want to submit patches for Boost, mostly Asio for better support
of OpenVMS IA64 for 32 and 64 bit builds. The fixes come from an
organization I work for that prefers to stay anonymous for security

We've mostly concerned about Boost.Asio and we've managed to compile
and run all Boost.Asio unit tests actually giving VMS very good
Asio support.

The fixes cover several independent libraries that should be
fixed in order to make them compile:

- Boost.Asio - mostly, configuration and 64 bit quirks
- Boost.Test - 64 bit issues and compiler issues.
- Boost.Config - added new vms.hpp platform config.
- Boost.DateTime - 64 bit fixes.
- Boost.Thread - compiler issues workarounds.
- Boost.Function - 64 bit fixes as sizeof(size_t) < sizeof(void *);

I understand that many library maintainers should be involved
in integration of these patch. And it is **very important** for
the organization I work for to submit them to upstream Boost
in order to make an upgrade to future Boost versions simpler.


- How should I submit so wide patch that covers many libraries?


P.S.: The patch is attached.


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