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Subject: [boost] [serialization] Padding for base64 dataflow iterators ?
From: Timothy Madden (terminatorul_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-07-28 14:09:47


Could the documentation page for dataflow iterators in the serialization
library please state that:

1. using base64 iterators will /not/ add the padding '=' characters in
the encoded data, that are present in the canonical encoding in RFC4648
(The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings) ?

2. binary string to be encoded should be null-terminated, or the
iterators will not pad the input stream of bits with 0s to reach a
multiple of 6 bits, but rather use whatever bits follow after the last
encoded byte in memory ?

Just so the user knows she either has to ensure padding, or otherwise
she should not expect the result to exactly follow the RFC, and the
result might not be suitable for data interchange between applications,
etc ...

Or maybe the examples could be changed to include padding, which would
be even better ... :)

Thank you,
Timothy Madden

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