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Subject: [boost] [bcp] Bcp namespace rename on 1.44 release beta 1 causes runtime errors on range lib and build tool
From: Cliff Green (cliffg_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-08-06 13:27:48

John (and others),

I just tested a full Boost extract with namespace rename (and namespace alias) on 1.44 release beta 1.

After bootstrap building bjam from the distribution, I built bcp and then attempted to extract all of Boost (libs and tools) with namespace rename and alias (this time using "." to extract everything).

I'm getting runtime errors from bcp:

**** exception(200): Invalid parameter detected by C runtime library

I've isolated it down to one library and one tool - the range library, and the build tool. All other libraries and tools individually successfully extract (with namespace rename).

I tried doing a Boost root library build (with bjam) after the extract, but missing critical pieces of build is causing problems (which makes sense).

I assume this is a high pri (at least the build tools part), so I'll be happy to help in any way.


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