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Subject: Re: [boost] [msm] Boost MPL vector limit size exceeded
From: Juraj Ivančić (juraj.ivancic_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-08-31 19:00:38

On 31.8.2010 21:41, Steven Watanabe wrote:

> Michael.Herchel_at_[hidden] wrote:
>> while building a state machine that also includes submachines, we exceeded
>> the possible max number of MPL vector entries (which is to 50 to my
>> knowledge) for transition tables.
>> Is there an easy way to solve that?

You might find this old post helpful:

> There are scripts in libs/mpl that generate these headers.

I tried these scripts a while back, also because of msm. I think that
this procedure has not been tested for quite a while (years) and is now

I recall trying both gcc and msvc for preprocessing, and failed to
produce a usable header with either. IIRC with gcc resulting header
contained some gcc specific code and msvc choked on it. With msvc
resulting header contained some windows API declarations.

It is quite possible that I did something wrong - I found no
documentation on how to use these scripts.

Finally I gave up and used the kludge described in the post referenced
above. Meanwhile I managed to trim down the number of transitions in my
state machine and got back into vector50 bounds.

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