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Subject: Re: [boost] Towards a Warning free code policy proposal
From: Daniel James (dnljms_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-09-02 06:20:47

On 2 September 2010 09:41, Paul A. Bristow <pbristow_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Well if the Trac wiki-style can, I'm a novice who has yet to discover it ;-)
> Any experts out there who know more than I do?

Just needed to delete the blank lines between rows. They were making
each row a separate table. Personally, I wouldn't use a table for the
data, it crams too much into a small space. I'd just use a separate
page for each compiler. I also noticed that you're using bold text for
headers, it's better to use proper headers (using equal signs) to give
the page structure. I'll try to clean up the markup later.


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