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Subject: Re: [boost] [gil] Who has a big-endian machine?
From: Christian Henning (chhenning_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-09-03 14:31:46

Hi Kenneth,

> I'm not quite sure what you're doing but you seem to be picking off
> consecutive 3 bit sequences in the buf vector and interpreting them as
> integers?  For example, the bit_range for p2 references bit_offset 3 into
> the first byte while p3 references bit 6 in the first byte.  And indeed the
> value for v2 is 5 which is what I'd expect though v3's value is 1 rather
> than 4.

When reading a 3bit tiff image for instance I would have a byte array
and need to pick off 3bit unsigned integers. There was a bug in gil
that I have fixed. I also would like to add some test code to make
sure we can detect problems earlier. But that test code needs to run
on big and little endian machines.

> So I'd naively I'd expect the big endian bit sequence above to yield:
> 101  101  100  110  110  111  011  011
> resulting in values for v1 to v8 as:
> 5 5 4 6 6 7 3 3

Seems like bytes are read left to right on big endian machines. It's
the other way around on my machine. Could you do me a favor and run
again the code below.

#include <cassert>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/gil/gil_all.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
using namespace gil;

int main()
    typedef bit_aligned_image1_type< 3, gray_layout_t >::type gray3_image_t;
    typedef gray3_image_t image_t;

    typedef image_t::view_t view_t;
    typedef view_t::reference ref_t;

    typedef bit_aligned_pixel_iterator< ref_t > iterator_t;

    std::vector< unsigned char > buf( 4 );

    int x = 1;
    if( *( char*) &x )
        //small endian

        // bit pattern is: 1011 0110 0110 1101 1101 1011
        // each byte is read right to left
        buf[0] = 182;
        buf[1] = 109;
        buf[2] = 219;
        //little endian

        // bit pattern is: 1101 1011 0110 1101 1011 0110
        // each byte is read right to left
        buf[0] = 219;
        buf[1] = 109;
        buf[2] = 182;

    iterator_t it( &buf[0], 0 );

    ref_t p1 = *it; it++;
    ref_t p2 = *it; it++;
    ref_t p3 = *it; it++;
    ref_t p4 = *it; it++;
    ref_t p5 = *it; it++;
    ref_t p6 = *it; it++;
    ref_t p7 = *it; it++;
    ref_t p8 = *it; it++;

    unsigned char v1 = get_color( p1, gray_color_t() );
    unsigned char v2 = get_color( p2, gray_color_t() );
    unsigned char v3 = get_color( p3, gray_color_t() );
    unsigned char v4 = get_color( p4, gray_color_t() );
    unsigned char v5 = get_color( p5, gray_color_t() );
    unsigned char v6 = get_color( p6, gray_color_t() );
    unsigned char v7 = get_color( p7, gray_color_t() );
    unsigned char v8 = get_color( p8, gray_color_t() );

    // all values should be 110b ( 6 );
    assert( v1 == 6 );
    assert( v2 == 6 );
    assert( v3 == 6 );
    assert( v4 == 6 );
    assert( v5 == 6 );
    assert( v6 == 6 );
    assert( v7 == 6 );
    assert( v8 == 6 );

return 0;

Thanks a lot,

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