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Subject: [boost] [ratio] 0.2 Review version uploaded
From: vicente.botet (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-09-24 04:34:43


I have uploaded the version of the Boost Ratio library to be review.

What is Boost.Ratio?
Boost.Ratio is a portable implementation of the C++0x Standard Library's compile-time rational arithmetic working on C++03 and C++0x compilers.

Boost.Ratio provides:

* A class template, ratio, for specifying compile time rational constants such as 1/3 of a nanosecond or the number of inches per meter. ratio represents a compile time ratio of compile time constants with support for compile time arithmetic with overflow and division by zero protection

* A textual representation of boost::ratio<N, D> in the form of a std::basic_string. Other types such as boost::duration will use these strings to aid in their I/O.

This library is header-only and is designed to be generic and useful in a lot of areas of C++ programming, in particular it is absolutely needed to Boost.Chrono and Boost.Stopwatches.

Boost.Units contain a similar class: static_rational.

You can get more complete information from

Best regards,
Vicente Juan Botet Escribá

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