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Subject: Re: [boost] 3rd- party reliance for upcoming boost.GIL.IO library
From: Mateusz Loskot (mateusz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-10-05 11:15:39

On 05/10/10 15:58, Christian Henning wrote:
> Hi there,
> We are going to submit the Boost.GIL.IO extension for review and the
> package relies on 3rd-party libraries; can anyone suggest minimum
> solution for finding those libraries which would be usable for
> reviewers to build and run tests/examples?
> The library is pretty much ready for review and can be found here:
> or via SVN, here:

As person who is going to act as the review manager, I would
like to bump Christian's call.

I have started months ago and here is relevant thread

I have some basic setup based on Rene's suggestion and the
build_extensions on my computer at home. It works well
and I personally like it.
However, I've no idea how it could be integrated with Boost.GIL
as the build_extensions are not yet official.

So, could anyone help us to prepare minimal configuration
for Boost.Build that would allow users to specify Boost.GIL IO
dependencies (libjpeg, libpng, etc.) in order to build
tests and example programs?

Best regards,

Mateusz Loskot,
Charter Member of OSGeo,
Member of ACCU,

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