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Subject: Re: [boost] Accelerating algorithms with SIMD - Segmented iterators and alternatives
From: Mathias Gaunard (mathias.gaunard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-10-13 07:18:06

On 13/10/10 11:44, Jeffrey Lee Hellrung, Jr. wrote:
> On 10/13/2010 02:52 AM, Mathias Gaunard wrote:
>> On 12/10/10 09:06, David Abrahams wrote:
>>> Nice for very linear things. Not so great for sort, binary_search,
>>> reverse, rotate, ...
> [...]
>> In any case, linear operations or filters represent in my opinion a
>> large enough spectrum of what people do with iterable ranges of data
>> that it could be worthwhile to have concepts that allow them to be
>> efficient, even if it cannot apply to other cases.
> I could see this.
> [...]
>>>> Of course, there is the drawback that it makes the code using the
>>>> iteration primitive somewhat more complicated: but so do segmented
>>>> iterators. There are also several other drawbacks, in particular
>>>> tied to the fact that it cannot be conceptually much more than a
>>>> forward iterator.
>>> ...nor even implement several of the algorithms that work with forward
>>> iterators.
>> Do you have some examples?
> find_if? adjacent_find?

Those return an iterator, so that makes it complicated to see what they
would do.

Assuming they would return a pointer to the value, you could do
(ignoring const issues):

template<typename Range, typename P>
struct find_if_f
   find_if_f(P p_) : p(p_) {}

   bool operator()(typename range_value<Range>::type& e)
       ptr = &e;
       return false;
     return true;

   P p;
   typename range_value<Range>::type* ptr;

template<typename Range, typename P>
typename range_value<Range>::type* find_if(Range& range, P p)
   find_if_f<Range, P> f(p);
   if(for_each_until(range, f))// for_each but stops when f returns false
     return f.ptr;
   return 0;

> adjacent_difference?

You need to remember the previous element, but you don't have to copy to
do that, you could just use a reference or pointer to it.
I would think a sufficiently good optimizer should take care of inlining

> parallel_for_each?

Good point.
This requires the ability to subdivise the range, which would be
feasible but inefficient, in particular due to the lack of random access.

> suppose (some of) these could be implemented using a for_each-style of
> iteration, but would require caching (of the previously visited element,
> in the case of adjacent_*) and exceptions (in the case of
> find_if/adjacent_find)...which would seem to negate the performance
> motivation. Or maybe I'm being too dense...

I'm not certain those really hamper performance (assuming the use of
another mechanism instead of exceptions to stop the loop).

> One might describe this as expressing iteration in terms of the visitor
> pattern...? I honestly didn't understand what you meant between "push"
> and "pull" before this snippet.

This referenced the initial conversation I had with Dave in another
thread. It's not very practical terminology.

> [...]
>>> Although what you're describing is easier to make efficient for many
>>> (perhaps even the majority of cases), it doesn't sound like it
>>> actually has the same level of generality as segmented iterators do.
>> Segmented iterators still allow bidirectional support, indeed (I think?).
>> But I'm note sure it can do random access as well, if you consider
>> recursively segmented local iterators.
> Seems to me segmented iterators and a visitation-based/push-based
> iteration address fundamentally different problems. At least, I don't
> see how segmented iterators help here. The problem that visitation-based
> iteration seems to try to solve is improving iteration efficiency over
> join(t)_range-like ranges...

Since those could be different segments, you wouldn't need to check
which segment you are in at each iteration.
Actually, all local iterators for a a segmented iterator must be the
same for all segments, but since a local iterator can be a segmented
iterator itself, it can also have a local iterator which can be
different. By recursion, you can therefore use different iterator types
for each segment, but that's somewhat convoluted.

>> I believe writing a zip_iterator (or similar) would be no easier for
>> segmented iterators than for generators due to the arbitrary recursion.
> What do you mean by generators in this context?

That's what I called my alternative to segmented iterators in the other
thread, because I made them use an output iterator instead of a function

Any function that reads a range and passes each element to a template
user-supplied object would fit the idea.
I call it push because the data is being pushed onto the user-supplied

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