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Subject: Re: [boost] Accelerating algorithms with SIMD - Segmented iterators and alternatives
From: Mathias Gaunard (mathias.gaunard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-10-14 08:06:00

On 13/10/2010 16:58, DE wrote:
> sorry, i haven't read the whole thread
> another question
> sse series on x86 provide several ways to catch errors
> specifically control word/flags and exceptions/signals (noty aware of
> other platforms)
> are you going to model such subtle platform specific details? and if
> yes -- how?
> as a C++ programmer i would prefer C++ exception mechanism

There is no support for catching such errors, at least there is none yet.

Translating them to C++ exceptions sounds like translating SIGABRT or
other errors to C++ exceptions to me, in a similar fashion to what
Visual C++ does with SEH; i.e. not a good idea.

On a technical note, it might be a bit complicated to do, since that
state is global so it could be hard in the presence of threads.

We'll nevertheless look into the details of this.

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