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Subject: Re: [boost] [1.45][website] binary serialization fubar, website needs updating
From: Christopher Schmidt (mr.chr.schmidt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-10-18 03:15:14

Am 18.10.2010 07:24, schrieb Bryce Lelbach:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ramey, just to make you aware:
> The new XML grammar adds another fatal bug to serialization when building with
> mingw (there's already a set of issues with mingw) - mingw causes a win32
> exception (a stack overflow) when compiling the Qi grammar. I did my best to try
> and come up with a fix for both this and the existing mingw issues, but I've
> had no luck. Documentation on debugging mingw is lacking, so I doubt I am going
> to be able to get serialization to compile with mingw

I have pretty much the same problem when compiling my projects with gcc
4.5.1 i686-pc-mingw32. So far just splitting the source files or
manually increasing the size of the reserved stack of the c++ driver
helped me.


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