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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost and (Microsoft's) _SECURE_SCL
From: John Maddock (boost.regex_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-11-04 08:00:30

> Yes. VC10's linker deterministically detects IDL mismatch and emits hard
> errors, naming the offending object files. (This machinery, #pragma
> detect_mismatch, is available for anyone to use. It will also detect when
> object files using the C++ Standard Library and compiled with different
> major versions of VC are mixed together, as long as both are VC10+;
> unfortunately we can't detect mixing when VC9 or earlier is involved.)

I've been testing this, and it works well for object files being linked into
one application (and presumably for static libraries), but appears not to
detect mismatches between an application and a DLL, which basically makes it
next to useless... unless I'm missing something?

Thanks, John.

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