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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost and (Microsoft's) _SECURE_SCL
From: John Maddock (boost.regex_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-11-05 13:11:56

> [STL]
>> Yes. VC10's linker deterministically detects IDL mismatch and emits hard
>> errors, naming the offending object files. (This machinery, , is
>> available for anyone to use. It will also detect when
>> object files using the C++ Standard Library and compiled with different
>> major versions of VC are mixed together, as long as both are VC10+;
>> unfortunately we can't detect mixing when VC9 or earlier is involved.)
> [John Maddock]
>> I've been testing this, and it works well for object files being linked
>> into
>> one application (and presumably for static libraries), but appears not to
>> detect mismatches between an application and a DLL, which basically makes
>> it
>> next to useless... unless I'm missing something?
> If you're using import libs, that *should* work.

I'm using import libraries - my test project is attached - no errors are
generated even though they have hardcoded mismatched #pragma

Cheers, John.

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