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Subject: Re: [boost] [boost.log] set_open_handler() and set_close_handler() for text_multifile_backend?
From: Jamie Allsop (ja11sop_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-11-08 20:57:10

Jamie Allsop wrote:
> I think it makes a lot of sense for these methods to be available for
> the text_multifile_backend as they are for the text_file_backend. My use
> case is that I am logging data out in html format and being able to log
> data out as individual html files for browsing through later on. Being
> able to have an html header and footer added as files are opened and
> closed makes a lot of sense for this backend.

Actually I spent some time looking at the implmentation of this and
there doesn't seem to be a sensible way to implement this. I think what
I really want is some sort of 'id' based file rotation. In that light I
suppose I could use the time_based_rotation and supply my own function
that rotates based on a changing 'id'. Perhaps this could be generalised
in the library to be a 'triggered_rotation' where some of the current
implementations happen to be time based?


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