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Subject: Re: [boost] Library for configuration file parsing
From: Denis Shevchenko (for.dshevchenko_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-11-26 23:57:57

On 27.11.2010 03:48, Jeff Benshetler wrote:
> I've switched to using Python for configuration files about 6 years ago, and
> stopped writing "little languages" of my own. There is a great deal of
> flexibility and extensibility from using a general purpose language, and it
> has a fully documented syntax with good error messages.
It's good idea, butyou are talking about using ANOTHER programming
language, Python.Butif I had never heard about Python (especially if I'm
a newbie in C++)?

I'm talking about using pure C++, and my solution is so easy to use
(imho), that it could use even a newbie.

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