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Subject: Re: [boost] Sandbox cleanup
From: Barend Gehrels (barend_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-11-30 05:31:56

> Uhm, is this really necessary? We will never cleanup sandbox if we wait for OK
> from anybody who ever comitted anything. After all, it's only sandbox, and
> the proposal is to move things around, not to remove or change in unobvious
> ways.

Maybe it is possible and polite to check at least the authors which
recently (f.e. last month) committed something.

> So, can we just agree on layout, and then I can do "svn mv" as necessary?
> In fact, it's probably easier than I though. We have both /sandbox and /sandbox-branches.
> So, how about this:
> 1. Declare that /sandbox should follow<library>/{boost,libs} layout.
> 2. Move everything else into /sandbox-branches

Boost.Geometry follows <library>/{boost,libs,other} layout where other
contains small programs not fitting within libs. I hope this is
permitted. I'm quite dependent on the current place and so are many
users. I will remove the (now obsolete) ggl folder which is still there.

Maybe it is also possible (now or in the future) to make a distinction
between already-accepted-but-not-yet-incorparted libraries (such as
Boost.Geometry) and proposed libraries.

Finally there is also /sandbox-tags, of which the structure is also not
so clear to me. I've taken the freedom to create a "geometry" folder
there, and below that are our tags.

So the there structure is for me:

And I propose that as a convenient layout.

Regards, Barend

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