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Subject: Re: [boost] Respecting a projects toolchain decisions
From: Vladimir Prus (vladimir_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-12-28 01:50:45

Dean Michael Berris wrote:

> 1. The signal/noise ratio can be hard to keep down especially if you
> have a lot of ground to cover. Consider how you (or any other
> maintainer for example) would want to manage a part of the 1000
> tickets that are all in the same pile. Sure you can query it many
> different ways, but wouldn't it be way easier to just look at 100
> issues just for Boost.Regex than it is to spend some time looking at
> 1000 issues that might be relevant to Boost.Regex?


you seem to be making very strange points here. I have a saved
query in Trac for all the components that I maintain, which is bookmarked
in my browser, and once a week, I click "Alt-F2", type "Boost Trac", and
examine those tickets without seeing anything I don't care about.
Is there a reason you think this approach won't work for everybody? Like,
is there a web browser that lacks bookmarks functionality?

- Volodya

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