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Subject: Re: [boost] [Review] Boost.Type Traits Extension by Frederic Bron
From: Jeffrey Lee Hellrung, Jr. (jhellrung_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-16 15:18:18

[Frederic, for some reason, when I hit "reply" in Thunderbird on your
emails, they get addressed to you and not to the list. I also see that
I am cc'ed on your replies to my list emails, which, as far as I know,
doesn't normally happen. Do you have any idea if the problem is on your
end or my end?]

On 3/16/2011 11:57 AM, Frédéric Bron wrote:
>> I'm browsing the source, and don't see a lot of difference between
>> detail/has_postfix_operator.hpp and detail/has_prefix_operator.hpp. Frederic
>> (excuse the lack of accents), are the only differences the operator overload
>> declaration and the location of BOOST_TT_TRAIT_OP relative to make<LHS>() or
>> make<RHS>()? If so, for maintenance purposes, it may be wise to combine the
>> 2 headers.
> Yes they are very similar but there another difference: postfix
> operators have an additional int argument in their declaration so that
> combining may be a bit tricky.

I thought I accounted for that with "the operator overload declaration"...

Anyways, it sounds like you'd have to parameterize the overload
declaration as well as the operator application (and that's it...?).
Whether this is worth the trouble is up to you. It's just a suggestion
to, again, simplify maintenance.

- Jeff

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