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Subject: Re: [boost] [Config] Big changes in C++0x detection...
From: Mathias Gaunard (mathias.gaunard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-18 08:45:36

On 17/03/2011 19:13, Michael Fawcett wrote:

>>> A humble suggestion: issue compiler patches out of band. And if you're
>>> going to ask people to file bugs, fix them.
>> +1
> Pot meet kettle? Boost has the same issues, in fact 1.46.1 is the
> first point release in a long time, even when it was desperately
> needed in the past. It has tickets that languish for years in Trac.

It's less important for Boost, since the code is publically available
and anyone can easily patch it.

Also most problems are fixed in trunk quickly (and again, trunk is
publically available), but get into releases sometimes quite late.
That's because the way Boost does releases is fairly broken; this is a
known controversial issue that may eventually get fixed in the future.

Bugs are not closed wontfix, they're just not solved. That's because
sometimes there is no active maintainer for that piece of code; unlike a
company, boost developers do this in their spare time, and sometimes
they don't have time to spare.

So honestly I don't see how you can say that Boost suffers from the same
problems as the Visual C++ team.

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