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Subject: Re: [boost] Algebraic abstractions related to (big) integers in C++
From: Phil Endecott (spam_from_boost_dev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-31 12:41:08

pavel wrote:
> taking into account luke's message about adc_pi, i think that it's a
> perfect opportunity to abstract multiword addition (with carry) like
> this:
> unsigned add_with_carry(unsigned *dest, const unsigned *src, size_t size);
> the returned value is intended to be an overflow flag (read: carry of
> the result of the most significant word addition)

What you describe is the sort of thing I (and I presume others) had in
mind when we suggested that arithmetic algorithms be decoupled from
data structures, i.e. you would have

template <typename ITER, typename CONST_ITER>
carry_type add_with_carry(ITER dest_begin, ITER dest_end,
                           CONST_ITER src_begin, CONST_ITER src_end);

with a general-purpose implementation, and then specialise it:

carry_type add_with_carry(uint32_t* dest_begin, uint32_t* dest_end,
                           const uint32_t* src_begin, const uint32_t* src_end);

and provide an asm implementation for the specialisation.

However, this doesn't suit the SIMD instruction that Luke described.
That does multiple adds in parallel, and has carry-in and carry-out to
each, but those carries are NOT propagated from one adder to its
neighbour in that same instruction. So to use that instruction
efficiently, say you are adding 4 multi-word numbers together:

     R = A + B + C + D;

You would do

     (tmp1, carries1) = A + B;
     (tmp2, carries2) = tmp1 + C + carries1;
     (tmp3, carries3) = tmp2 + D + carries2;
     R = tmp3 + carries3;

Note that the +s in the first 3 lines use the SIMD instruction Luke
described, and the temporaries are incomplete. In the last line, the
carries are added in (with the carry potentially propagating across the
whole width); this may need one instruction per word.

In hardware this is called a "carry save adder"; I'm not sure if the
SIMD people use the same terminology.

Anyway, the point is that even a multi-word addition abstraction is not
specialisable in a way that fully exploits SIMD instructions. Doing
that probably needs expression templates.

Regards, Phil.

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