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Subject: [boost] [network] cpp-netlib v0.9-beta out now!
From: Dean Michael Berris (mikhailberis_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-09 05:25:31

Hi Everyone,

Apologies for the cross-post, but I just want to announce that after a
couple months delay because of some outstanding bugs and TODO items
that needed to get dealt with, I am now ready to package a 0.9 release
and with that in mind I've just uploaded the 0.9-beta release of
cpp-netlib. When the beta period (1 week) is over and all outstanding
bugs are addressed, the 0.9 release will be the basis for submission
for review to the Boost C++ Library. You can get the beta from:

What's New in 0.9 (taken from the documentation):
- IMPORTANT BREAKING CHANGE: By default all compile-time heavy parser
implementations are now compiled to external static libraries. In
order to use cpp-netlib in header-only mode, users must define the
preprocessor macro BOOST_NETWORK_NO_LIB before including any
cpp-netlib header. This breaks code that relied on the version 0.8.x
line where the library is strictly header-only.
- More consistent message API for client and server messages (request
and response objects).
- Refactoring of internal implementations to allow better separation
of concerns and more manageable coding/documentation.
- Client and Server constructors that support Boost.Parameter named parameters.
- Client and Server cosntructors now take in an optional reference to
a Boost.Asio io_service to use internally.
- Documentation updates to reflect new APIs.

This Beta has been tested mainly on Linux (GCC 4.4, 4.5) and Mac OS X
(10.6.7, Xcode 3.2.x w/ GCC 4.2.1) builds against Boost trunk and
Boost 1.45. Note that cpp-netlib does NOT work with Boost 1.46.1
because of some breaking changes in the Boost.Spirit customization
points have caused cpp-netlib to cease to play well with it. That
said, the issues have been addressed in Boost trunk and should be
fixed in Boost.147.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to making this Beta possible,
namely Emre Turkay, Oleg Malashenko, and other users that filed issues
on the Github issue tracker.

Have a good day everyone and I do look forward to feedback!

Dean Michael Berris

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