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Subject: Re: [boost] [range] for_each and std::map of std::list
From: Thorsten Ottosen (thorsten.ottosen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-09 14:24:36

Den 09-04-2011 19:06, Neil Groves skrev:

> My earlier discussion of tree containers and n-dimensional containers was
> meant to invoke thoughts of containers not implemented by the STL that could
> be leverage, at least some, generic algorithms. From my own experience in
> high performance mathematical computing, and from discussion with colleagues
> in this field there are frequently special high-dimensional containers that
> would benefit from access to these algorithms.

Well, one thing is performance due to efficient iteration over segmented
data structure. Another issue is just flattening.

About segmentation.
One approach is a new type of iterators with specialized algorithms
for basically all algorithms. That's a lot of algorithms that has to be
implemented again.

So how the h*** do we avoid that? Can we avoid that?

I'm thinking that some fat iterator with some internal book keeping
might help. But then we have the problem of the end iterator taking
up much space just because the types must match. Clearly ranges without
iterators is superior in this context.


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