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Subject: [boost] help with including boost.log into the current trunk
From: Bernd Prager (bernd_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-09 18:56:44

I would appreciate some help in including the logging libs into the
boost compilation process.
I am using the recent SVN trunks, Cygwin 1.7.9 and g++ (GCC) 4.3.4.

Unfortunately there is nor README or INSTALL docs as I am used to in a
GNU automake environment.
So I tried my best based on what I found google-ing it:

I downloaded the current boost SVN trunk and the current boost-log SVN
Then I linked the log directories into the boost trunk:

$ ln -s boost-log/trunk/boost-log/libs/log/ boost-trunk/libs/
$ ln -s boost-log/trunk/boost-log/boost/log/ boost-trunk/boost/

Compiling boost with normal ./bjam does not recognise the log components
at all:

Component configuration:

    - chrono : building
    - date_time : building
    - exception : building
    - filesystem : building
    - graph : building
    - graph_parallel : building
    - iostreams : building
    - math : building
    - mpi : building
    - program_options : building
    - python : building
    - random : building
    - regex : building
    - serialization : building
    - signals : building
    - system : building
    - test : building
    - thread : building
    - wave : building


Explicitly including it gets me an error message:
$ ./bjam.exe target-os=cygwin --with-log
error: wrong library name 'log' in the --with-<library> option.

What am I missing? Is there an easier way to do it?

Thanks a lot for any help.
-- Bernd

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