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Subject: Re: [boost] Fw: [locale] Formal review of Boost.Locale library
From: Sebastian Redl (sebastian.redl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-15 05:43:26

On 15.04.2011 11:05, Sergey Cheban wrote:
> 15.04.2011 1:49, Fabio Fracassi пишет:
>> On 14/4/2011 23:25, Artyom wrote:
>>> 3. When you use MSVC add UTF-8 BOM (even thou it is
>>> useless but this is the way MSVC distinguishes
>>> between local encodings and UTF-8)
>>> Bad but this is reality.
>> IIRC clang will not compile source files with a BOM, which would
>> effectifly render the code unportable.
> Any code that uses the characters that are not in the "basic source
> character set" (96 characters) is not portable anyway. The
> EBCDIC-encoded sources probably cannot be compiled by the clang, too.
Also, Clang has been updated to ignore BOMs, so tip-of-tree Clang will
compile such things. I don't have any idea what it will do with
non-ASCII characters in the source, though.


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