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Subject: [boost] [config][hp-ux] UTF-8 codecvt_facet.cpp failing on HP-UX
From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-06-08 08:05:22

There is a Filesystem bug report, 5048, that actually affects any
library using ...\libs\detail\utf8_codecvt_facet.cpp

The problem is line 255: #elif WCHAR_MAX > 0x10000

On HP-UX, WCHAR_MAX is defined like this:

# if defined(_INCLUDE_STDCSOURCE_199901)
# define WCHAR_MAX UINT_MAX /* max value of an unsigned integer */
# define WCHAR_MIN 0
# else
# define WCHAR_MAX (wchar_t)UINT_MAX /* max value of an unsigned integer */
# define WCHAR_MIN (wchar_t)0
# endif

An obvious fix is to add #define _INCLUDE_STDCSOURCE_199901 to
...\boost\config\platform\hpux.hpp, and that's been confirmed by the
user who originated the bug report.

I'm guessing that this fix doesn't work if the user includes
<stdint.h> before <boost/config.hpp>, but can't think of anything

Any objections to committing the change to ...\boost\config\platform\hpux.hpp?


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