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Subject: Re: [boost] [test] Still having issues
From: Mathias Gaunard (mathias.gaunard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-10-13 07:26:39

On 13/10/2011 04:04, Gennadiy Rozental wrote:
> Mathias Gaunard<mathias.gaunard<at>> writes:
>> Just rename _invalid_parameter_handler to something else.
>> As the error message says, that name is already defined in some Visual
>> Studio headers.
> Really!? Such a simple solution. How come I never figured it out.
>> Names that start with an underscore in the global namespace are reserved
>> by the implementation.
> Maybe you should first look why this line was put there in a first place.

I don't care why your library does this, it is not my problem.
The only thing I notice is that Boost is regularly impeded and held back
by your library, and that it takes several iterations and several weeks
to get you to revert things to how they were before.
This is a major annoyance.

You say you don't understand the error message, I tell you what it means.
Clearly if something is already defined in a header, you can't redefine it.

It could be that your header only works if it's included *before*
stdlib.h. In which case, that's very fragile.

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