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Subject: Re: [boost] [gil][io_new] Image Reading and Writing Iterator
From: Christian Henning (chhenning_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-10-24 11:11:10

Hi all, thanks for the replies.

Let's stick with reading an image for now. Writing is somewhat
similar. Now, reading a large image is typically done in a forward
matter. In fact most image formats only support forward. No random
access or even backwards is supported naturally. There are exceptions
like bmp or other basic formats.

Depending on the use case one way to read an image is by reading one
or more scanlines. They other way is reading in blocks. Such settings
could be setup at construction time but users might want to change
them over time.

I think I would need some help with constructing an forward iterator
adapter. Imagine you have a reader<Device, Format> class and it would
be used by the iterator to extract data from the image. Is there any
sample code that I could use?

Hope this helps,

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