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Subject: Re: [boost] Making Boost.Filesystem work with GENERAL filenames with g++ in Windows (a solution)
From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-10-26 16:47:50

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 6:24 AM, Yakov Galka <ybungalobill_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Personally I think that boost::filesystem::paths are a sad joke, it's a pity
> they're heading to the standard. Although the OS-part is definitely good,
> the way path class is design isn't suitable for paths outside the unix
> world.

Could you explain that a bit further? Since class path is used all the
time for paths outside the Unix world, I'm curious to know what your
concerns are.

> Even if you fix the Unicode problems,

What Unicode problems are you running into? Although there are some
locale related tickets outstanding, I'm not aware of any Unicode

> you still cannot use long paths
> on windows (longer than MAX_PATH), although they are supported by the OS.

There is one ticket outstanding,, that is somewhat related
to PAX_PATH limitations. The objective is to support any path that is
acceptable to the operating system, and that includes better support
for long paths.

> Moreover, judging by the last fixes to the library, it looks like Beman
> wants to shift the burden of this on the user of the library, instead of
> implementing something that works transparently.

Which fixes are bothering you:-?


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