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Subject: [boost] [local] Review
From: Thomas Heller (thom.heller_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-11-18 13:49:58

Hi all,

Following is my Review of the upcoming Boost.Local library. I will as
others split my review into the three parts that make up this library:
local functions, local blocks, scoped exit.

Let me first start with some general comments.
I personally find the decision to support two syntaxes not a good path
to follow. While I understand the rationale behind it, and the desire to
have the variadic macro version, having both might become a maintenance
nightmare. Also, reading through the documentation, most of the time is
spent on explaining, the difference between the two syntaxes. Why not
just stick with one and concentrate on the functionality?
Additionally, despite the introductory motivating statement ("Local
functions are a form of information hiding and are useful for dividing
procedural tasks into subtasks which are only meaningful locally,
avoiding cluttering other parts of the program with functions,
variables, etc unrelated to those parts.") I can not see that this
library solves this appropriately. I personally think that exposing
macros as the interface to program with the library does not lead to a
nice and clean design of ones code.
Boost.Local is very different from other heavily macro based libraries
like Boost.Parameter. It is different, because I would consider
Boost.Local not as a infrastructure library but as a library for end
users. This being said, i would not like to see application code
cluttered with overly verbose calls to macros.
As boost is trying to not only push the boundaries of C++ it should also
try to set examples of best C++ practice. I would not consider Macro
calls to interface with a library not good practice.

Local Functions:

 From the tutorial section on Local Functions:
"Local functions are defined using the following macros (see the
Reference section) from within a declarative context (this is a
limitation with respect to C++11 lambda functions which can instead be
declared within expressions):"

Right, to have the lambdas in a "declarative context" use
auto f = [...](...){...}

The default parameter syntax is confusing, it looks like it is a
completely new parameter, and not belonging to the previous argument.
This gets confusing once you have more than one parameter with a default
parameter. The WITH_DEFAULT macro should be the default, as it clearly
states the relationship of the default value to the parameter.

I would consider binding variables from the enclosing scope one of the
major weak points of Boost.Local. The need to binding those variables is
obvious. However, how it is done clutters the arguments list of the
BOOST_LOCAL_FUNCTION_PARAMS to an extend that it is not immediately
clear what the arity of the local function is. It would make things
clearer to have something like:

Additionally as binding is probably the right term to use here, it might
confuse people with the already existing solutions of the various bind

WRT to your note in the documentation that C++11 can not bind const
reference. I suggest the following workaround:

int i = 0;
auto f = [&](){ auto const & icr = i; ... };

I agree that this and _this should be used always, instead of having
both _this and this.

On other notes, Lorenzo already clarified the defect in the library that
it can't really be used as a closure. This would have been my next point.

All in all the documentation is very accurate and in good shape.
Additionally i played around with this specific part of the library a
little bit in order to see how i can break it. TBH, I didn't (and still
don't) trust the macros to do the right thing always, my knowledge of
the PP isn't good enough to judge that particular part of the
implementation. However, by deliberately trying to break the breaks
(putting typos in the variables, omitting commas etc.) the error
messages are of course very arcane, and you have to know exactly where
and what part of the macros involved failed and why. Of course, these
error message can be deciphered very easily once you have enough
experience with that library. But i would argue that this is the case
for any other (TMP based) library.
Which brings me to my next point. I think that Boost.Local does not
fulfill its own purpose. While it is of course true that errors in the
function bodies are written in "usual C++" the surrounding macros are,
IMHO, just cluttering the code. The points Lorenzo makes in the
motivational section are not met. I would argue that most of the times,
namespaces and classes are good enough, and such a macro syntax should
be avoided. For everything else, there already exist a couple of
solutions (Boost.Bind, Boost.Lambda and Boost.Phoenix). I would like to
see improvements in ease of use in these libraries instead of
advertising a completely macro based solutions.

Local Blocks:
I can't see the value in that one. The example in the documentation
doesn't help either, as those things are easily detected by any modern
compiler, with the appropriate warning levels (ok, not in the assert
case, but for other boolean contexts at least gcc does).

Local Exit:
Why do we need two libraries doing the exact same thing with neither of
the adding any functionality. I suggest to improve ScopedExit instead.

In the alternatives section, which version of Phoenix do you use?

Now to the usual questions:
> - What is your evaluation of the design?

I think the design is not what can be considered Modern C++. However, in
the context of what the author tried to achieve, he did a good job.

> - What is your evaluation of the implementation?

The implementation looks solid!

> - What is your evaluation of the documentation?

The documentation is very good!

> - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library?

The potential usefulness of the library is out of question, that is why
C++11 now has lambdas, and libraries like Bind, Lambda and Phoenix
exist. However, I do not believe that Local adds any value to the
existing solution of the described problems.

> - Did you try to use the library? With what compiler? Did you have
> any problems?

Yes. gcc 4.6.2. no problems.

> - How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A >
   quick reading? In-depth study?

Reading of the documentation. Looking briefly at the implementation.

> - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?

Yes. I am the author of Phoenix V3.

I vote to not include the library into boost.


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