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Subject: Re: [boost] [thread] patch to allow custom stack size.
From: Geoff Shapiro (gshapiro_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-01 13:20:50

Vicente J. Botet Escriba <vicente.botet <at>> writes:
> I don't know. I have submitted a more generic patch *3 years* ago and
> there is no response yet.
> :proposal to manage
> portable and non portable thread attributes
> Btw, could you take a look at the ticket and tell me what do you think
> of my proposal?

Vicente, I have looked at your proposal and I like the direction you headed with
that set of patches. There was a recent request for changes to boost::thread to
allow priority inheritance on thread creation (pthread environments) and your
proposal would cover that with no problem.

I'd like to see in your example how you see a user incorporating thread
attribute settings for non-portable attributes.

Other thoughts that could be considered:

1. Would thread priority setting be considered a portable or non-portable
attribute? There does seem to be quite a bit of variation in this amongst
different environments. It would be nice if it could be generalized and
reconciled amongst the different environments.

2. It might be a good thing to be able to specify a default attribute set to be
used in a constructor version not taking an attribute object reference (this is
the current constructor).


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