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Subject: [boost] [review] WANTED: Review Managers
From: Ronald Garcia (rxg_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-01-20 10:30:18

Hi all,

Currently the Boost review schedule has 8 libraries ready for review, but we need some individuals to volunteer to be review managers so that we can schedule reviews for them.
In general review managers are active boost participants, including library contributors, infrastructure contributors, and other mailing list participants with a substantial track record of constructive participation.

The libraries on the review schedule are as follows (the "(M)" simply means that a manager is needed):
* Join (M)
* Pimpl (M)
* Sorting (M)
* Quaternions, Vectors, Matrices (M)
* Variadic Macro Data (M)
* Block Pointer (M)
* Singularity (M)
* Predef (M)

If you are interested, able, and qualified to be a review manager for one of these libraries, please contact myself and/or John Phillips. Thank you.


Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at