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Subject: Re: [boost] [git] neglected aspects
From: Steven Samuel Cole (steven.samuel.cole_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-02-09 00:54:14

David A. Greene wrote:
> guts and inner workings

i found incredibly helpful to get going.
it seems to come from the opposite side, though - i had my github
account, the spoon-knife test repo and some project forks up and running
within minutes, as that's mostly just mouse clicks on a website - but i
still hadn't really grasped gits concepts.

next, i wanted to change some code in projects i had forked.
host:~ user$ git help
--> gives an overview of what commands are available, many of them are
familiar from svn or other VCSs
host:~ user$ git help <command>
--> explains <command> in detail

i got a few minor things wrong the first time i tried them and i still
have not seen everything git can do, but from my experience, most people
will be up and running in git after half a day at the most.

git is definitely easier to get your head around than some of the stuff
done in some of the boost libraries ;-)

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