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Subject: Re: [boost] [Review Request] Multiprecision Arithmetic Library
From: John Maddock (boost.regex_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-04-10 04:21:58

> It's looking good!
> Would you like more examples of Floating-point stuff?
> I have a really nice one for numerical root finding in generic math.

Root finding is good for an example, but I'm slightly wary because we have
some nice boilerplate routines in Boost.Math for that which handle all the
corner cases etc, and I'd rather folks called those routines than cut and
paste from a - necessarily simplified - example?

> Maybe we should stop where we are, as it's a pretty good
> level, probably with enough examples for this stage in the game.

We probably have enough to be going on with: I might just add a polynomial
evaluation example because it shows off the expression templates ability to
eliminate temporaries very nicely! :-)

Cheers, John.

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