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Subject: [boost] Search a vector of tuples?
From: Robert Dailey (rcdailey.lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-04-11 18:33:56

Is there a method in the boost library to iterate a vector of boost::tuple
objects, comparing the 1st element in the tuple of each tuple to a value
that I specify? My tuple is setup like so:

typedef boost::tuple<int, int, char const*> Tuple;
typedef std::vector<Tuple> ErrorStringMap;

ErrorStringMap mystrings = tuple_list_of
    (10, "10", "ten")
    (20, "20", "twenty")
    (30, "30", "thirty")
    (10, "10", "ten");

I want to search the vector of tuples and do something with every tuple
that has the number 10 as the first element in the tuple.

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