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Subject: Re: [boost] [context/coroutine] split into two libs in trunk?!
From: Oliver Kowalke (oliver.kowalke_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-04-12 05:24:48

> What kind of changes have been needed to make it possible to implement
> coroutine and generator?

the context class, which holds a pointer do context_base class, is now transformed to a template (e.g. Signature as template arg) but still holds a pointer to context_base class which did not change.
I'm using the 'curiously recurring template pattern' for the interface generation.

> I see 3 valid alternatives here:
> * You provide it as sub-library coroutine of context.
> * You request for review a separated coroutine proposal.
> * You rename your context library as cooperative/context and add the
> cooperative/coroutine, cooperative/fiber, ..... This will need at least a
> mini-mini review to change the goal, the name and the directory of the
> library. This alternative would not prevent to request less formal review
> or
> formal ones if you find it useful. I would prefer a change the top level
> namespace to cooperative in this case.

OK - I would rename boost.context to cooperative/context.
How should this mini-mini review take place? Do I've to ask on the mailing list or would be the conclusions of this thread enought?


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