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Subject: Re: [boost] [Iterator] Fixing the default reference type of transform_iterator (#5127)
From: Vicente J. Botet Escriba (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-04-22 05:00:11

Le 22/04/12 07:54, Jeffrey Lee Hellrung, Jr. a écrit :
> On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 10:41 PM, Michel Morin<mimomorin_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> Jeffrey Lee Hellrung, Jr. wrote:
>>> I applied your patch and committed (rev 78121).
>>> If I screwed something up in the process of
>>> committing, apologies and someone please let me know!
>> Thanks for committing, Jeff!
>>> A somewhat related but more general question: What is the procedure to
>> get
>>> changes from trunk into release? I understand we wait a couple days for
>> the
>>> tests to cycle, ensure there aren't any regressions, then merge to
>>> release...and this last merging step in SVN I'm not familiar with. I
>>> certainly don't want to mess anything up.
>> Sorry, I don't have any knowledge about merging :/
>> Boost wiki has some information on merging:
>> but it only says about TortoiseSVN.
> That might be good enough, as I am currently using TortoiseSVN.
> Can some Boost developers provide the information on
>> * how to merge into the release branch via svn
>> * what should we care about when merging
>> ?
> If anyone can just quickly confirm that the wiki is up-to-date and complete
> regarding merging (maybe at least as far as TortoiseSVN is concerned), that
> would help, too.

I don't know for TurtoiseSVN, but what do you think of the adding the CLI as

*Merge *

  * *Command line: *
      o *Start with a working copy of *
      o *Go to the release branch directory where the merge will take
        place. *


      o *Merge the directory or a specific file from trunk *

        *svn merge<trunk>/<directory_path>@HEAD

        svn merge<trunk>/<directory_path>/<file_name>@HEAD*

  * TortoiseSVN: /As before/

Inspect resulting working copy for correctness.
*Run the test with as many compilers as you can. *
Commit working copy changes.

Maybe someone has a better way.


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