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Subject: Re: [boost] [1.50] Beta build of the PDF docs
From: John Maddock (boost.regex_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-06-07 13:09:00

> PDF docs for LocalFunction, ScopeExit, Functional/OverloadedFunction, and
> Utility/IdentityType looks good. A very minor thing is that the graph
> images
> for LocalFunction are cut because they are too big and go out of page
> width
> (see pages 38-40) -- there's probably nothing that can be done about that.

I've just changed the images DPI to 300dpi - this doesn't change html
browser views (checked on IE, Firefox and Opera) - but does alter PDF

I haven't rebuilt the whole PDF build, but I've placed the updated
local_function.pdf here:

> BTW, which command did you use to generate the PDF? bjam pdf? They look
> really good and I'd like to be able to generate them for some of my
> internal
> project that use qbk documentation.

Yes "bjam pdf": you will need an FO processor configured in your
user-config.jam (either XEP or Apache FOP).


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