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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost and exceptions
From: John Maddock (boost.regex_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-06-19 04:47:04

> I am working on a C++ based project which forbids the usage of C++
> exceptions
> but it is still preferable to use Boost libraries at least the ones which
> do
> not make use of C++ exceptions at all. I am especially interested in using
> Boost.Units and Boost.Math.
> Which of Boost libraries do NOT make use of C++ exceptions (i did not find
> such a list but maybe its already available somewhere)?

I can't comment on other libraries, but you can turn off use of exceptions
to report errors in Boost.Math via the policies mechanism:

In addition if you're only interested in the TR1 special functions, then the
C compatible libraries provided by Boost.Math (see boost/math/tr1.hpp and
will set ::errno rather than throw an exception.

HTH, John.

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