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Subject: Re: [boost] Flow-based programming library for Boost?
From: Jeff Flinn (Jeffrey.Flinn_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-12-13 09:44:09

On 12/13/2012 9:30 AM, Jeff Flinn wrote:
> On 12/13/2012 8:44 AM, Hartmut Kaiser wrote:
>>>> Is there any interest out there for a library that allows you to
>>>> create fast, efficient flow-based programs with an easy-to-use
>>>> object-oriented interface?
>>>> (
>>>> I've created an open-source library that does this, called "DSPatch" (
>>>> and would like to contribute
>>>> it to the Boost Libraries.
>>>> Please let me know if this sounds like something you'd like to see in
>>> Boost.
>>> If you want such a library to be truly efficient, you should be able to
>>> wire together the dataflows at compile-time and not pay any overhead for
>>> composing large computations out of smaller ones. The accumulators
>>> library uses something like a dataflow model, with the "wiring" done
>>> completely at compile-time.
>> That's definitely one use case. In our experience it is much more
>> important
>> to compose the dataflow graph at runtime, though. Mainly, most of the
>> time
>> we don't know the shape of the dataflow graph to be constructed at
>> compile
>> time yet.
> Perhaps being able to compose a mix run-time and compile-time components
> all Eric Niebler's Xpressive.

uggh, that should read:

Perhaps being able to compose a mix of run-time and compile-time
components ala Eric Niebler's Xpressive.


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