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Subject: Re: [boost] static_vector using aligned_storage
From: Adam Wulkiewicz (adam.wulkiewicz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-12-17 20:39:08

Olaf van der Spek wrote:
>> Could you please elaborate? Isn't it always a pointer to a type passed to
>> the allocator? How it may be treated differently for stack memory?
> In theory it might be a street address that stores a certain value.
> In practise it's probably not but I don't think it's guaranteed to be T*.

Ok, sorry for my question. It seems it needs to satisfy
RandomAccesIterator concept. The allocator_type and pointers might be
defined as thin wrappers if the pointer is different than value_type*.
This however only be needed for data() method. Am I right?

Btw, how is data() defined? I've found only an info that it should
return value_type*. This of course won't work for a hybrid_vector. Or
maby it should return pointer type (like in VS2012 btw)? But then what
is the purpose of this method?


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