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Subject: Re: [boost] [unordered_map] assert fail
From: Daniel James (daniel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-03-08 04:02:06

On 8 March 2013 01:16, Steve Lorimer <steve.lorimer_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I got an assert fail on a call to:
> return _map.insert(std::make_pair(newKey, value.second));
> The assertion was in delete_buckets()
> BOOST_ASSERT(!this->size_);

This probably means that the data structure was messed up somewhere
earlier. Please try applying the attached patch using 'patch -p1'. It
backports a couple of fixes from later versions of boost. If it
doesn't help, can you describe what you're doing with the container
before doing this? A reproducible test case would help if at all

Also, have you been using older versions successfully? Would it be
possible to test with boost 1.53? Rehashing has changed a bit since

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