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Subject: Re: [boost] [gsoc 2013] draft proposal for chrono::date
From: Vicente J. Botet Escriba (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-05-05 05:26:30
Le 05/05/13 00:15, Anurag Kalia a écrit :
> OTOH, the different day formats are actually followed in different
> countries, according to that useful link by Howard. My suggestion is
> to use ISo ordering only in functions like date() or make_date(). But
> when using slash, as in: date d = day(25) / dec / 2013; It is very
> natural to me. Here in my part of world, d-m-y is the dominant format.
> Otherwise use of '/' itself is of no much use.
I guess that make_date would be less conflicting than operator/()
expressions on a C++ proposal to the standard.
So the proposal should include make_date. I like however the
operator/() expressions also.
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