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Subject: [boost] [multi-array] warning on mingw caused by assert macro
From: Ronan Trépos (Ronan.Trepos_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-05-24 04:24:20

Hello boost comunity,

I found a warning using boost/multi-array (boost 1.53) on mingw.

The warning message :

boost/multi_array/base.hpp:503:13: attention : unused variable

When compiling a simple example including muti-array with the command line :

c:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe -Wall -Wextra -O2 -DNDEBUG -g
-Ic:/natifvle/install/boost/include/boost-1_53 -o MyExample.o -c

The reason is that a locale variable bound_adjustement, before line 503
of multi_array/base.hpp, is defined and computed only if
The line after, a BOOST_ASSERT is called using bound_adjustement. Since
BOOST_DISABLE_ASSERT is not set, BOOST_ASSERT is defined as the mingw
macro "assert" in boost/assert.hpp. Finally, mingw assert macro (see
Mingw/include/assert.h) is defined as ((void) 0) if NDEBUG is defined
(this is the case in my example).
It took me a long time to see the problem.

So my questions are :
- Do I miss use the combination of NDEBUG and BOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS ?
Eg. if NDEBUG and BOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS are set (or unset) together,
then I have no warning. Should they be set to the same value ?
- Or should boost/assert.hpp take into account NDEBUG for defining the
macro BOOST_ASSERT (only for mingw ?)

Best regards
Ronan Trépos

Trépos Ronan
INRA unité MIAT, équipe RECORD, Toulouse
tel : 05 61 28 51 89

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