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Subject: [boost] Boost.Spirit how to use token in functor
From: ... ... (bersac_1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-06-23 14:59:48

I have a functor which is working, but its argument, which I don't know its type, I don't know what to do with it. I want to extract data out of it, I want to know is beginning and its end, I want to display the the content of the string character in my consol... but I can't retrieve this information. How could I archieve it ? What is the type of the argument relay to my function ? Is there a dOxygen like documentation (the one on the Boost site is great but a formal documentaton is also interesting). Where is the description and code source of this type ?
Here is the code of my functor :
struct counter{ counter() : j(0) {j = new int();}
        counter(const counter &model) : j(model.j) {}
        template <typename Token> bool operator()(Token const& t){// t is the argument I want to use ++i; ++(*j); std::ostringstream oss; oss << "global : " << i << " membre : " << *j;//typeid(t).name(); printf("%s\n", oss.str().c_str()); return true; }
        int* j;};
Thanks every one, cordialy,Guillaume Bersac237bis rue de Pessac33000 Bordeaux06.

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