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Subject: Re: [boost] [thread] synchronized_value: value and move semantics
From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-06-26 13:55:46

On Wednesday 26 June 2013 08:55:33 Vicente Botet wrote:
> Andrey Semashev-2 wrote
> > 1. Why are there strict_lock_ptr and unique_lock_ptr?
> These a locking pointers that lock at construction and unlock at
> destruction. Both classes have pointer semantics.
> > What are the
> > differences
> strict_lock_ptr cannot be unlocked (something like lock_guard) and
> unique_lock_ptr is a model of Lockable so it provides the lock/unlock
> functions as unique_lock.
> > and why we can't have one such ptr (presumably,
> > unique_lock_ptr)?
> Sorry I don't understand.

What I mean is that there is no apparent advantage of using strict_lock_ptr
instead of unique_lock_ptr. strict_lock_ptr is a bit more limited than
unique_lock_ptr but it doesn't provide anything in return. Yet it complicates
synchronized_value interface and adds confusion (when should I call
synchronize() and when unique_synchronize()?). So I don't see the point in
having strict_lock_ptr.

Note that although there exist both lock_guard and unique_lock, the former is
more efficient when you don't need movability and optional locking of the
latter. This is not the case with strict_lock_ptr and unique_lock_ptr since
both use unique_lock internally.

> > 3. Am I correct that having strict_lock_ptr/unique_lock_ptr acquired by
> > calling synchronize() will not deadlock with operator-> when a
> > non-recursive mutex is used?
> To which operator-> are you referring to? the one from
> strict_lock_ptr/unique_lock_ptr?
> synchronize() is used to lock at block scope. The user must use the obtained
> locking pointer to access to the functions of the synchronized value using
> the operator->.
> I'm not sure to understand what could be the issue.

I was referring to synchronized_value<>::operator->. What I mean is this:

  synchronized_value< foo, mutex > sync_foo;
  auto locked = sync_foo.synchronize();
  sync_foo->bar(); // deadlock??

If I use a non-recursive mutex, like the above, and store the strict_lock_ptr
or unique_lock_ptr in locked, will I be able to call bar()? The operator-> is
supposed to create a new strict_lock_ptr, which is supposed to attempt to lock
the mutex again, isn't it?

Perhaps, it would be better to restrict the number of lock_ptrs for a single
synchronized_value that can exist concurrently to just one? Then the above
code would be invalid and should be written as follows:

  synchronized_value< foo, mutex > sync_foo;
  auto locked = sync_foo.synchronize();
  // sync_foo->bar(); // <-- assertion failure or exception
  locked->bar(); // ok

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